Pleu·ra·can·thus a genus (the type of the family Pleuracanthidae) of Paleozoic sharks of the Carboniferous and Lower Permian of Europe and North America having a subterminal mouth, long dorsal fin, and a strong serrated spine on the nape


The Company

Pleuracanthus Records was created by DDDJJJ666 and Magnolia Bouvier to release things we want to force on others. Why such a stupid name? Well, Pleuracanthus was the genus name for a prehistoric shark that lived during the Devonian and Triassic periods. It was a shark with a FUCKING UNICORN HORN growing out of its head. The genus name has since changed, just like all the other dinosaur stuff I was lied to about in elementary school in the 70's. I refuse to recognize its new genus name. Especially because, when I was 5, I had a (literally) 6 foot long stuffed snake (not a euphemism) that I named Pleuracanthus, SO THE NAME STAYS!

In those heady, pre-Jaws days, all we had was unicorn sharks to give us hope. Like the coelacanth, I am convinced some will turn up still alive, and then we will have one as a pet and be BEST FRIENDS!

The label plans on issuing new things, and reissuing old things. Because reissuing new things is currently impossible. More to come soon.

The People

Magnolia Bouvier

Magnolia Bouvier is an artist and DJ from Louisiana who loves Nunsploitation films, Ferrero Pocket Coffee, and The Cramps. She is also a connoisseur of fine mustard. She has a radio show on Mixcloud called Vampirella In Iridescent Teal.


DDDJJJ666 is a DJ and artist from Not-Louisiana who loves Magnolia Bouvier, Neue Deutsche Welle records and prehistoric sharks. He is also a connoisseur of Magnolia Bouvier's fine mustard dishes. He has a radio show on XRAY FM/Mixcloud called Hipsters Suck.